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I went on a search to become a leader. I searched high and low. I spoke with authority. People listened. But, at last, there was one who was wiser than I and they followed him. I sought to inspire confidence … Continue reading
To get a feel for the difference between intellectual understanding and insightful, imagine a dog that’s constantly chasing his tail. Now let’s imagine that the dog hires you and me as consultants. We ask the dog what he needs, and … Continue reading
“Whether you are leading a group or going about your daily life, you need to be conscious. You need to be aware of what is happening and how things happen. If you are aware of what is happening and how … Continue reading
“If you aren’t yet at the point of clarity, then make that your first goal. It’s a big waste of time to go through life being unclear about what you want. Most people will wallow way too long in the … Continue reading
In the Army we have certain points to aim for in training our men; but in the long course of years the steps in training have become so absorbing and important that in many cases the aim has come to … Continue reading
Your job is not to eliminate risk. Your job is to understand the risks that exists and engage in behaviours that will allow you take advantage of the opportunity that exists on the other side of that risk, while mitigating … Continue reading
Every survey of young knowledge workers – physicians in the Army Medical Corps, chemists in the research lab, accountants or engineers in the plant, nurses in the hospitals – produces the same results. The ones who are enthusiastic and who, … Continue reading