Entering the Ring: Newest author – Andrew Wallwork

Today’s article is kind of different. I didn’t write it.

Instead, it was written by Andrew Wallwork, and he is the first official author to join this site.

His bio:

Having started Scouting as a Brown Tail Beaver, Andrew has been present in the Scouting universe ever since. Moving through different groups to get exposure to the multiple styles of Scouting, Andrew is the recipient of the Queens Venturer Award, the Commemorative Centennial Medal, the Medal of the Maple and the Medal for Good Service. He has also attended a National Jamboree and an Asia Pacific Regional Jamboree as part of the 180th Pacific Coast Rover Crew.

These days he is a Scouter at both the group level, involved with the 180th Pacific Coast Rovers and a few super secret projects which will be revealed in the not so distant future.

I’d like to welcome Andrew to the site, and I look forward to reading his future articles.

-Nick Pearson

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