Sechelt Inlet Kayak Trip – Day 3


A travel day.

Left 9 mile beach at 9:30 heading ultimately for Tzoonie Narrows. First stop was just North at Kunechin Point.As we were leaving a deer swam the inlet and landed south of us on some rather steep rock face. To top that off, as we were 50 feet out, our mink friend could be seen searching out beach campsite.

Took a short rest at Kunechin Point. HMCS Chaudiere is purposefully sunk here as a reef. Three buoys mark the spot for divers to explore. Next stop was Storm Bay, a tidal flat quite far in. First real set of structures on the Inlet we’ve come across other than fish farms. Stopped for Lunch (keeping constant vigilance on our kayaks and the rising tide) and then headed NE.

The tide at this point carries us almost effortlessly. We have to stop on the point before Tzoonie narrows due to it being peak tidal flow and not knowing the state of the narrows on the other side. As we wait, some go for a walk along the sea line towards the point to get a look. they left with bear spray, bangers and whistles. We are in bear country. They found a dead carcass of what they figure is a deer. While they went of on their mini adventure, I fixed the broken VHF radio with a chocolate bar rapper. A battery contact had fallen off and I replaced it with the foil. Macgyver got off easy with a paper clip.

Once the tide and wind settled down we launched and headed in. We setup camp on a beautiful jut out next to the narrows. Direct sunlight wasn’t going to last long due to the high mountains on the West side of the inlet. We used what time we had to take an invigorating wash down in the sea. Dinner was chorizo, ginger, bell pepper and polenta mash. The bear cache wire was broken at this site, so we struggled for hours to get something appropriate. I ended up having to climb (more like shimmy up) a tree to try to get this to work. That attempt failed when we couldn’t get the food high enough. We had to pull the horizontal cable back to it’s original side and go from there.

Pulled the star chart out at night, but the bright moon made it difficult to see many.

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