May 10th Recruitment Update

Status This post Last post Change
Registered 25 17 +8
Fully registered and active in MMS (the database)
Hot Lead 41 35 +6
Has done a group visit and is going to register or is somewhere in mid registration (missing PRC, interview, etc)
Lead 64 65 -1
Has been talked to about Scouts and has expressed interest
Recruitment Booth 28 28 0
An individual who put their name down for more information at a recruitment booth
Potential 48 49 -1
An individual a crew member has identified as a possible recruit

Some Notes

Eight new leaders! Which is great, but not enough to meet our target. We have to complete more than that per week to come close to our target.

Over all we added 13 more names to the list. Two of the hot leads have all the paper work in and are just awaiting MMS to catch up. One Hot leads is just missing Volunteer screening, and 12 are just missing PRC.

So with a bit more foot work, we should have another 15 leaders shortly.

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