| This week
| Last Week
| Change
Registered |
17 |
14 |
+3 |
Fully registered and active in MMS (the database) |
Hot Lead |
35 |
32 |
+3 |
Has done a group visit and is going to register or is somewhere in mid registration (missing PRC, interview, etc) |
Lead |
65 |
52 |
+13 |
Has been talked to about Scouts and has expressed interest |
Recruitment Booth |
28 |
0 |
+28 |
An individual who put their name down for more information at a recruitment booth |
Potential |
49 |
103 |
-54 |
An individual a crew member has identified as a possible recruit |
Some Notes
You can see quite a few people have moved up the food chain, and that we added a new category.
- As new contacts come into our count, they will start in either Potential or Recruitment Booth, depending on where we have our first contact.
- The Potential category is for our friends and people we meet outside of recruitment booths. Recruitment Booth is fairly straight forward.
- The difference is that we have talked to Recruitment Booth individuals and they have shown interest (ala Leads) but not all contacts from a booth are as legit as other sources of recruits.
- They won’t be counted any differently once they have visited a group and are willing to register.
- A few names have been removed from our list as they have backed down from showing interest.
- Two recruitment events have happened since the last update on the 4th of April
- Zenith Youth Conference – 27 Names
- A particular Langara class on Sports Leadership if I’m not mistaken – 8(?) Names
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