Another day another recruitment drive.
Ok, so it’s been a few months since I’ve done one of these. I really do enjoy talking to people about Scouting. Many people don’t know about Scouts, and to be the one to introduce them is quite the honour and responsibility. The fun doesn’t necessarily come in talking with people, but in honing my abilities to send a truly powerful message to another human being. It’s a game. How can I convince my audience that what I’m describing is something they should value. What key words will put them over the top to make them do an action. Take a pamphlet with them. Perhaps put their name and contact down on paper for more information. What would it take to get them want to visit a group or register right there.
Of course language isn’t the whole story. There’s that silly quote that [insert bull shit made up percentage] of communication is made through the body. A presentable individual can tell a better message than one who is disheveled, shy, slumped, sad, uncaring and quiet. So on top of what is said, how it is said has to be monitored, evaluated, tweaked and improved. All while talking to a crowd of people. It has this constant flow that I just love.
Enough general talk. To the deets
The event went well. 7 names to paper, looking for more information. Jennifer and Viki were there to help set up. Eric and myself ran the booth. A lot of good contacts; those who where new to the concept and those who were previously involved. One security guard even came up to me and simply put out his left hand. Come to think of it, I should have bugged him to find out if he was a leader or not.
Another task I have for myself at volunteer fairs, is to talk to other community groups. I have a secret dream where Scouting is involved with, and has a strong relation with, many community groups to the point that people join us because of our special status as the go to group when others need help. There were a few new good groups I haven’t met before. The most promising were Burns Bog Conservation Society, (reminding me I need to go for a hike out there some day), Invasive Plant Council, and one table which had this awesome Entertainment Book style coupon book of environmentally conscience coupons. Cost $20, and the group get to keep $10. Hmmmm….
No photos or videos were taken this time. I meant to, but got distracted talking to people.